It feels like my oncologist
is always nearby
"This program creates awareness"
Angina Pectoris / Post ACS

Chronic Angina Pectoris / Post Acute Coronary Syndrome
Luscii provides the tools for patient and professional to keep an eye on the recovery while checking vital signs and symptoms to signal deteriorations and intervene timely in case of need.
What is the aim of the program?
- Fewer outpatient clinic visits
- Reduced number of cardiac events
- Better lifestyle management
- Serve the growing number of patients with the same number of nurses
How does it work?
Patients suffering from chronic angina pectoris participate in this Luscii program with a monthly protocol. They regularly measure vital signs such as heart rhythm, undergo arrhythmia screening, and respond to symptom-related questions. The care team is alerted for follow-up based on the collected measurements. Virtual consultations replace the need for regular outpatient clinic visits. In moments of uncertainty, patients can request contact with their medical team, providing reassurance. The medical team also guides patients in improving their lifestyle through weekly inquiries. After four weeks of monitoring, patients are referred back to their cardiologist.
Developed by

Robert Riezebos

Nancy Colman

Hospitals using the Program

Reviews from patients and professionals

Floris van der Laar
Super app, gives confidence that you are being watched closely! Easy to use.

Lars Putten
Awareness among patients.
Patients get quicker insight in their own health situation and it creates awareness.

Demi Albers
Intervene at the right moment.
Intercepting deviating values and be able to (quicker) anticipate.