Luscii Library®
World’s most trusted care at home programs
Browse up to 150 care at home programs
Renowned clinicians from across the globe have used their passion and creativity to design dozens of smart care at home programs on our platform, for up to 150 different conditions. The good news? You can now use them as well. While more and more programs are being implemented, we continue to improve our platform. At this moment, about 100 programs are still in the development or pilot phase. Here in the Luscii Library, you will find all the programs that you can immediately implement in your health care organization. The Library guidelines assures the quality. So have a quick look to see if your condition is already available.

Join and learn from others
True innovation comes from collaboration and knowledge sharing. That way the wheel doesn't have to be reinvented all over again. Every two weeks we organize a Zoom-in session with clinicians using the Luscii platform in different situations. They share their created programs and experiences, and you share yours. Open and transparent. Just the way we prefer it!

Zoom-in session #1
Clinician: D.C. Vijlbrief (Neonalogogist)
Date: 30-01-2023
Time: 16.00-17.00

Zoom-in session #2
Colorectal surgery
Clinician: C. Abusaris (Anesthesiologist)
Date: 15-02-2023
Time: 14.00 – 15.00

Zoom-in session #3
Irritable Bowel Syndr.
Clinician: H. Bouwman (Nurse specialist)
Date: 21-02-2023
Time: 16.00 – 17.00

Zoom-in session #4
Clinician: D. van Dijken (Gyneacologist)
Date: 21-03-2023
Time: 16.00 – 17.00
Acute Coronary Syndrome
Chest pain or angina due to insufficient oxygen supply to the heart muscle.
Angina Pectoris
Chest pain or angina due to insufficient oxygen supply to the heart muscle.
Chronic inflammation of the small air passages in the lungs, causing respiratory problems.
Children with asthma
Chronic inflammation of the small air passages in the lungs of children.
Atrial Fibrillation
Sustainable behavior change through e-coaching.
Disease burden with chemotherapy.
Cardiac Rehabilitation
Supporting the patient in forming healthy habits during the rehabilitation process.
Cardiothoracic Surgery (CTC)
Prepare patients for their cardiothoracic surgery using a timeline.
Guide the patient from before through after the cataract surgery.
Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA)
Monitoring the first 12 weeks after discharge from the hospital.
Guidance of the patient journey from before to after colonoscopy.
Colorectal Surgery
The complete patient journey for colon surgery, including prehabilitation according to the Fit4surgery standard.
CCQ, FEV1, and Digital Lung Attack Action Plan.
For a safe early discharge of COVID-19 patients.
Diabetes Type 2
For helping patients monitor and control their condition.
Headache Syndrome
Collection of symptoms that cause headaches and their characteristics.
Heart Failure
In heart failure (decompensatio cordis), the heart pumps blood less effectively.
Heart Rhythm Disorder
Supporting the patient in forming healthy habits.
Heart Transplant
Supporting the patient during the rehabilitation process.
Hemorrhagic Bleeding (CVA)
Acute or chronic high blood pressure that strains the blood vessels and affects health.
Study of the immune system and immune response to diseases.
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Monitoring with a choice of different protocols, such as MIAH + calprotectin, SIBDQ, HBI, and/or SCCAI.
Infectious respiratory tract infection (flu) caused by influenza viruses.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Learning to live with this condition.
Ischemic Infarct (CVA)
Kidney Failure
Monitor the health of patients and calculate (24-hour) ultrafiltration.
Kidney Transplantation
Left Ventricular Assist Device
Sustainable behavior change through e-coaching.
Lower Back Pain
Chronic lower back pain.
Lung Cancer
Program for post-treatment of cancer in stages 1 through 4.
Progressive condition leading to loss of central vision.
Symptoms caused by menopause in women.
Myocardial Infarction
Guidance for rehabilitation after a myocardial infarction.
Palpable irregular or abnormal heartbeat.
Peri-Operative Pain
Pain after surgical intervention or surgery.
For patients with pneumonia, monitoring with or without O2/oxygen.
Condition where multiple nerves in the body are damaged.
Pregnancy Diabetes
Accurate glucose regulation with simple, personalized care.
Pregnancy Hypertension
Guide hypertensive patients during pregnancy.
Premature Babies
Getting prematurely born babies home as soon as possible.
Sinus Thrombosis (CVA)
Skin Infections
Allow patients with a skin infection to go home earlier from the hospital. By participating in home monitoring, they are admitted for a shorter period.
Subarachnoidal Bleeding (CVA)
Valve Disorder
Abnormality in the structure or function of the heart valves.
Actively working on lifestyle improvement.
Waiting List Wayfinder
Reduction of outpatient visits and earlier intervention in case of deterioration.
Create your own!
We are happy to help you realize your own digital care at home program. You can ask for help from our dedicated team of Luscii medical minds. But from today you can also choose to follow our easy-to-follow course and become a certified medical developer yourself.
Create your own!
We are happy to help you realize your own digital care at home program. You can ask for help from our dedicated team of Luscii medical minds. But from today you can also choose to follow our easy-to-follow course and become a certified medical developer yourself.

Luscii Baby@Home Program
Pregnacy should be a wonderful experience. Due to the Safe@Home program mothers suffering form diseases such as gestational hypertension, preeclampsia and HELPP syndrome can now also experience a more relaxing pregnancy” Dr. Janine Wenseling, gynaecologist
UMC Utrecht, The Netherlands
Proud medical developer of the baby@home program