It feels like my oncologist
is always nearby
"I feel more in control of my health"

Luscii provides the tools for patient and professional to keep an eye on the recovery while checking vital signs and symptoms to signal deteriorations and intervene timely in case of need.
What is the aim of the program?
- Fewer outpatient clinic visits
- Serve the growing number of patients with the same number of nurses
- Saves time because patients drive their own follow-up and are prioritised by Luscii’s clinical engine
- Higher patient experience
How does it work?
Patients who have undergone (day) surgery are enrolled in this program by their healthcare provider. Using the Luscii app, patients are prompted to answer questions about their pain and nausea levels, and whether they require any intervention. If a patient requires intervention, the medical service center or clinical nurse is notified to provide the appropriate care at the right time and place. This approach puts patients in control of their own follow-up care, which can be tailored to their individual needs. Ultimately, this patient-driven approach improves medical outcomes and overall quality of care.
Developed by
Bram Thiel
Physician assistent
Will Gerrits
Marc Godfried

Hospitals using the Program

Reviews from patients and professionals

Bart den Hartog
It is easy to use and the hospital is able to improve care "remotely" this way.

Melissa Blommaert
Intervene at the right moment
Intercepting deviating values and be able to (quicker) anticipate.
Zara Kleijn
Awareness among patients
Patients get quicker insight in their own health situation and it creates awareness.

Marijke Klomp
What a good invention!