It feels like my oncologist
is always nearby
"It feels like my pulmonologist
is always nearby"

Luscii provides the tools for patient and professional to keep an eye on the recovery while checking vital signs and symptoms to signal deteriorations and intervene timely in case of need.
What is the aim of the program?
- Safe early discharge of patients
- Decreasing the need for oxygen at home
- Accurate and timely interventions
- Self management by educational modules
How does it work?
This pneumonia program facilitates early discharge from the clinic through a comprehensive approach. It involves monitoring vital signs, allowing for the gradual reduction of oxygen at home based on vital signs and responses to questionnaires. The system enables quick responses to any deviations from normal values.
Furthermore, the program includes educational components, providing lessons and information about home monitoring practices and effective blood pressure measurement techniques. Within the informational content, specific attention is given to addressing the use of oxygen in the home environment.
This program is for patients who need O2 as well as those who don't.
Developed by
Katinka Limburg
Maruscha Seegers

Available on request
Hospitals using the Program

Reviews from patients and professionals

Tara van Dijk
At first, I was skeptical because how can they monitor me remotely without seeing me? At the end I was almost disappointed that it was over.

Evy Kampaan
I felt safer than ever. There was time, they listened to me, and the app provides me with information and is easy to use. The 'contact healthcare provider' button is also nice because then I can always reach out..