It feels like my oncologist
is always nearby
"It feels like my nurse
is always nearby"

Luscii provides the tools for patient and professional to keep an eye on the recovery while checking vital signs and symptoms to signal deteriorations and intervene timely in case of need.
What is the aim of the program?
- Assist in a quick, safe, and responsible transfer to home
- Alleviate staffing of the neonatal department
- Early detection of complications
- Help parents with the right information and virtual support
How does it work?
Premature birth is not the start a parent envisions for the most precious gift life can give. Despite the fantastic care provided by the neonatology department, there is ultimately only one wish, to go home with your child as soon as possible. Once premature babies are strong enough, they can go home under supervision. Baby@Home supports this transition perfectly. Parents take their baby’s measurements at home and answer specific questions. If necessary, a caregiver can be contacted directly. This enables parents to get started at home responsibly and allows them to take over the care with a good feeling.
Developed by

Daniel Vijlbrief

Barbara Peels
Physician assistent

Manon Benders

- Baby@Home - Het WKZ. (n.d.).
- There was a Zoom-in session about this program on January 30th 2022.
Hospitals using the Program