It feels like my oncologist
is always nearby
"I feel more safe knowing someone is watching my health"

Cardiac rehabilitation
Luscii provides the tools for patient and professional to keep an eye on the recovery while checking vital signs and symptoms to signal deteriorations and intervene timely in case of need.
What is the aim of the program?
- Fewer outpatient clinic visits
- Better lifestyle management
- Increased chance for sustainable behavioural change
- Serve the growing number of patients with the same number of nurses
How does it work?
Cardiac rehabilitation patients are included in the first outpatient clinic visit with a cardiac rehabilitation nurse after their discharge from the hospital. During the rehabilitation process, a team of professionals, including a cardiologist, cardiac coordinator, physiologists, and psychologists, support the patient in adopting healthy habits for their lifestyle, including physical activity, diet, and sleep.
Patients visit the hospital several times to work with a physical therapist and develop a personalized exercise plan. They can remotely monitor their heart rate during exercise at home using the Happitech medical device integrated in the Luscii app and fill out the BORG scale in the app. This provides the physical therapist with insight into the patient's progress.
Using Luscii from the start of the rehabilitation program intensifies support and monitoring during the sessions and extends it after discharge. This contributes to a higher chance of sustainable behavioral change, which is critical for long-term heart health.
Developed by
Dr. Addy van Miltenburg
Mieke Muller-Grijzenhout
Cardiac Rehab Coordinator

Available on request
Hospitals using the Program

Reviews from patients and professionals

Daphne Boom
This app works good for me. I like the idea that someone is checking you for when things aren't going well.

Sanne Sonsma
Awareness among patients
Patients get quicker insight in their own health situation and it creates awareness.
Mary Erwich
Intervene at the right moment
Intercepting deviating values and be able to (quicker) anticipate.

Maria Dane
I like it very much. I can register can a lot and when it isn't going good for a while, you will be called and you can talk about it.

Cornelie van der Keur
For people who are not very mobile or elderly who depend on others this is great and you respond quickly when needed. Perfect!

Walter Evers
I love the app I don't have to go to the hospital as much and I'm being watched closely thanks
Annemieke Rijsdijk
If blood pressure is too high, do it again later without panicking. A nice team of people who do their job there!