It feels like my oncologist
is always nearby
"It feels like my oncologist
is always nearby"

Lung cancer
Luscii provides the tools for patient and professional to keep an eye on the recovery while checking vital signs and symptoms to signal deteriorations and intervene timely in case of need.
What is the aim of the program?
- Fewer outpatient clinic visits
- Serve the growing number of patients with the same number of nurses
- More accurate and timely interventions
How does it work?
During the follow-up phase of lung cancer treatment (after surgery/radiotherapy for stage I/II, after chemoradiation with or without adjuvant immunotherapy for stage III, or after oligometastatic treatment or palliative therapy for stage IV), patients are provided with the Luscii app, which allows them to monitor their symptoms at home. Through the app, patients can track their weight and fill out questionnaires about their health. In case of any deviation from their baseline measurements, the CWZ medical service center will contact the patient through a video call to provide further guidance. This way, any deterioration can be detected early, and the care plan can be optimized. Furthermore, the use of Luscii can reduce the need for extra physical checkups that go beyond the regular protocol.
In addition, this program can also support clinicians in making decisions regarding whether a CT-scan is necessary. Instead of relying solely on protocol, clinicians can use the data collected through the app to determine whether a CT-scan is indicated, potentially leading to a decrease in the number of unnecessary scans.
Overall, the use of this program can improve the quality of care for lung cancer patients during their follow-up phase, by enabling them to monitor their symptoms at home and providing early intervention when necessary.
Developed by
Laura Vermeer
Jolanda van der Groes
Nurse specialist

Available on request
Hospitals using the Program

Reviews from patients and professionals

Tara van Dijk
In this way the contact about my health is nice and short

Evy Kampaan
Patients feel safe
Reducing number of physical contact moments without losing the feeling of safety for our patients.
Tara Green
Early anticipation
More insight in their disease burden for patients. Early signalling of increase in symptoms and to be able to give advice at the right moment.

Brad Davies
They respond well when something is not right.