It feels like my oncologist
is always nearby
"It feels like my oncologist
is always nearby"

Luscii provides the tools for patient and professional to keep an eye on the recovery while checking vital signs and symptoms to signal deteriorations and intervene timely in case of need.
What is the aim of the program?
- Reduced number of hospital/ER admissions
- Timely interventions and adjusted treatments
- Serve the growing number of patients with the same number of nurses
- No more paper tools to measure the burden, just quickly and easily assess via your own phone or tablet
How does it work?
In the Netherlands, 117,600 people were diagnosed with cancer in the past year (2019). For many of these patients, chemotherapy is a vital part of their treatment plan. However, chemotherapy can be challenging for patients, their families, and friends, and they may require support throughout the treatment process.
To address this need, the Onco-Connect program has been developed to guide patients through their chemotherapy treatment. The program provides patients with the right information at the right time, and monitors symptoms to ensure that patients receive the appropriate care when they need it. With the help of smart algorithms, patients are presented with questions and information that are tailored to their individual needs.
Finally, the app offers support to help patients manage any side effects or complaints that they may experience. By providing comprehensive care and support throughout the chemotherapy treatment, the Onco-Connect app is an invaluable resource for cancer patients in the Netherlands.
Developed by
Annemiek Visser
Nurse specialist
Peter Nieboer

- Kregting, M. (2021b). Thuismonitoring kankerpatiënten van WZA breder ingezet. ICT&Health.
- Medische Oncologie | ‘Hiermee hopen we eerder klachten van patiënten te signaleren.’ (n.d.-b).
- LMDC22 presentation of Lisanne Lankhaar about Empowering patients undergoing chemotherapy.
- Zweers, M. (2023, 23 januari). Onco-Connect helpt kankerpatiënt door chemo heen. Dutch Health Hub.
Hospitals using the Program

Reviews from patients and professionals
Annelies Sonsma
I think everyone who is able to use the app should use it as it is quick and simple to use,it also frees up time for the nurses to do other things and cuts out visits to patients.

Aniek den Hartog
Early anticipation
More insight in their disease burden for patients. Early signalling of increase in symptoms and to be able to give advice at the right moment.

Mary Anderson
Patients feel safe
Reducing number of physical contact moments without losing the feeling of safety for our patients.

Matt Allen
I feel very supported that someone is looking over my shoulder. It certainly gives the feeling that you are not alone with the call i get when there is something. It is nice to be able to chat about it and it gives less stress and worry. Thanks for that

Nurse at WZA
Thanks to the luscii app, patients visit the emergency department less often, because complaints are recognized and treated earlier.
Patient at WZA
“It is a nice tool to show someone else how I am doing, without bothering anyone with it”
Patient at WZA
"If everything goes well with you, you only have to answer 2 questions, so it's easy to use."