Integrated Care Networks

Seamless telemonitoring across multiple care providers via one platform.

Seamless collaboration

Patients are clear on who to go to for their care and feel in control of their own experience, with everything they need across their entire care journey available in one platform.

Time to care

Providers have ample time to care for patients in need, with immediate access to decision-making information, without additional work, delay and barriers.

Enhanced outcomes

Patient outcomes are optimised through a singular platform that encompasses the entire care network, promoting continuity and effective care.


Seamless collaboration between care providers

The lack of collaboration between care providers can hinder decision-making and patient outcomes. Monitoring data often operates in silos. Patients are frequently unsure of who to go to for their care. Healthcare professionals find it difficult to coordinate care with other providers. That's why we've developed our revolutionary feature, Integrated Care Networks.

This unique feature allows you to create an integrated system of care for every patient. Both patients and healthcare professionals gain immediate access to all relevant information throughout the entire care process, leading to greater care collaboration, enhanced decision-making, and better patient care.


One personalised, integrated care network centred around the patient

With Integrated Care Networks, efficient collaboration between healthcare providers has never been simpler. The personalised digital care network is centred around the patient, bringing all care providers together in one place - including nurses, condition specialists, GPs, and other professionals. All providers have access to the same data, can refer patients to each other, and share information seamlessly via one platform.


Time to care for patients in need

Integrated Care Networks means providers have ample time to care for patients in need, with immediate access to decision-making information — without any additional work, delay, or barriers.

Using a digital platform to coordinate care also gives patients access to care wherever they need it, even at home. This reduces the need for patients to visit the hospital, giving healthcare providers more time to care for those who need it most.


Empower your patients with self-care management

Encourage patients to take control over their own health management with digital at-home monitoring. Patients can access care directly from the platform, whether for prevention, management of long-term conditions, or support before and after surgery. Integrated Care Networks ensures both patients and their care providers have full visibility into their care process, with the right information at the right time.

With enhanced collaboration, getting access to their information is seamless for patients, leading to greater outcomes, higher satisfaction, and reduced healthcare usage. 

Integrated Care Networks. Connected, Collaborative Care.

Care Networks Web.001

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Op dit moment zijn we bezig met verschillende regio's om onze eerste ervaringen met Luscii Zorgnetwerken op te doen. De resultaten hiervan zullen we met jullie delen. In het tweede kwartaal van 2024 zal Luscii Zorgnetwerken breder beschikbaar worden. Als je meer informatie wilt over Luscii Zorgnetwerken of als je alvast de eerste stappen wilt zetten ter voorbereiding op onze samenwerking, laat het ons weten en vul het formulier hiernaast in.

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Schedule a 30-minute Care Networks demo

Book a free demo to explore how to integrate Care Networks within your ICS. Our experts will walk you through the process, answer your questions, and help you determine how it fits within your trust.


Luscii: The system-wide platform for healthcare at home

Connecting the dots between acute, primary, and community care in remote patient monitoring.

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