Luscii Virtual Heart Clinic
Keep a virtual finger on the pulse of your cardiology patients
Patients with heart failure, palpitations, chest pain, or other cardiovascular problems are constantly concerned about their heart health. This uncertainty often causes unnecessary visits to already overstretched hospitals and emergency departments. The solution? Remote monitoring enables clinicians to optimise care, improve outcomes and reduce hospital visits. Luscii Virtual Heart Clinic® enables you to create your own virtual cardiology outpatient clinic. It’s simple, secure, and safe – acting as a “doctor in the pocket” of every heart failure patient. It’s the future of connected healthcare.
Proven in daily practice
Fully reimbursed (Example NL)
1. Riezebos, R. (2021). Transformatie: De virtuele hartkliniek op grote schaal, OLVG Amsterdam, Keynote LMDC21
2. Plymen, C. (2022). Remote Monitoring in Heart Failure: The Imperial Experience, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, Keynote LMDC22
One app for all your digital heart care, directly in your EHR
What do OLVG Amsterdam, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust London, and Care-Connect in Dublin have in common? They’ve all successfully transformed their heart care with Luscii Virtual Heart Clinic®.
Luscii is an all-in-one solution for monitoring and managing your complete cardiology population. The powerful platform features a super simple patient app and clinical Engine (CE class IIa medical device). The app can seamlessly integrate into your EHR, and connect to state-of-the-art measuring equipment such as KardiaMobile. Patients can perform PPG measurements with their smartphone camera, monitor blood pressure with Omron devices and record their weight. It’s digital cardiology technology designed to deliver digital-first care.
100% integration with the world’s leading measurement equipment from our partners
Intelligent, highly personalised heart data, any time and any place.
is the world's only 6-lead personal ECG tested to provide a detailed and clinically validated picture of the heart.
Accurate rhythm strips from a smartphone camera.
delivers an initial clinical picture without complicated equipment with high-sensitivity and specific analysis of heart rhythm.
The world's best home medical measurement devices.
track trends for blood pressure and weight when linked with its accurate blood pressure monitor and precison scale.
Outstanding clinical results and patient outcomes
Bekijk de presentatie van cardioloog Robert Riezebos MD, PhD, FES
OLVG, Amsterdam
81% minder ongeplande opnames CHF
Bekijk recente webinar van cardioloog Carla Plymen Bsc, MRCP, MD, MBBS
Imperial College Healthcare | NHS Trust
- Primary and Community Care Innovation of the Year 2022
- Patient Digitising Patient Care Award 2022
A practical example: Atrial fibrillation
AF patients experience an intensive care journey with extensive diagnostics, multiple treatments, and thorough follow-up care. The fear of heart problems or even failure is constant, with many patients requiring significant clinical care and support. Luscii Virtual Heart Clinic® can transform AF-care, empowering patients. The smartphone app can provide remote monitoring immediately.
After referral, your patient downloads the app and starts remote monitoring. A scrollable timeline provides details of the entire treatment pathway, from beginning to end. Clinicians can receive real-time responses to questions about PPG rhythm strokes, providing a rapid insight into the clinical picture. The KardiaMobile 6-lead ECG can be used to provide further medical clarification, if required. The app can coach your patient, providing instructions for taking medication and/or preparing for cardioversion or ablation. It provides ongoing support for heart rehabilitation and follow-up care. Luscii Virtual Heart Clinic® gives patients total control and clinicians complete oversight. Both patients and clinicians can have confidence in the care provided, with early warning of emerging problems. This 100% digital solution is the future of care.
Another compelling example of Luscii Virtual Heart Clinic in the Wilhelmina Hospital Assen: Geert Flik can go on vacation despite his heart failure! Video in Dutch.
Set-up your virtual heart clinic in just 30 days!!
It’s simple to set-up your heart clinic with Luscii. You can start right away by using one of the nine cardiology home monitoring programmes available in our library. If you want to create a bespoke home monitoring programme for your pathway, it’s easy with Luscii Builder. Our experts can help you with design and implementation, ensuring it’s a success from day one. It’s easer than ever to create a virtual health clinic, so what’s stopping you?
Heart failure
Measuring vital signs and self-management
Track vital signs including PPG
AFib screening
Early detection and prevention of cardiac events
Angina Pectoris / Post ACS
Track symptoms of deterioration
Cardiothoracic surgery
Active recovery and prevent hospital readmission
Cardiac rehabilitation
Stimulating behavioural change through e-coaching
Heart failure UK best practice
Healthcare improvement with NHS guidelines
Request a free demo and learn more about how you can introduce virtual heart care in your own outpatient clinic. We are happy to tell you more about it, and of course we are happy to share our experiences and research.
After completing the form below, you will receive the Luscii Virtual Heart Clinic brochure in your mail and the opportunity to schedule a demonstration directly.
Chirurg Patijn coacht patiënten rond operatie
Dr. Gijs Patijn (Isala) ontwikkelde een Thuismonitoring programma om de patient-reis rondom een dikke darmoperatie op afstand te begeleiden. Deze patient-reis omvat zowel de voorbereidende fase (vanaf diagnose, inclusief prehabilitatie, tot aan opname) als de klinische fase (de operatie/ERAS) en tenslotte de herstelfase (na ontslag weer thuis).
Met prehabilitatie worden patiënten geholpen in een zo goed mogelijke conditie een grote operatie in te gaan. Steeds meer onderzoek toont aan dat patiënten hierdoor minder complicaties hebben, eerder naar huis kunnen, en sneller functioneel herstellen. Dat is ook toekomstbestendig voor de zorg, omdat het capaciteit en kosten kan besparen.
Prehabilitatie bestaat uit fysieke training, (verbetering en aanvulling van) voeding, mentale begeleiding en eventueel het stoppen met roken en alcohol. De stichting Fit4Surgery (en partners) ondersteunt ziekenhuizen om prehabilitatie voor colorectale en andere grote chirurgie verder op te schalen. Zij heeft hiervoor een speciaal programma ontwikkeld op basis waarvan dit thuismonitoring programma is ingericht.
Het relatief kortdurende traject rondom een operatie is voor patiënten zeer intensief en complex. Er komt veel informatie op hen af. Zij kunnen hierin optimaal begeleid worden wanneer informatie (vaak in animaties) op de juiste momenten kort en bondig in begrijpelijke taal digitaal wordt aangeboden.